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Cable "Strummer Output" to an Instrument or Port object. Start Logic Running & Play Chords. "Rate" = Repeat Rate. "Speed"=Strum Rate. Use Strum Only Inputto strum w/out repeats. Len Sasso LSasso@Swiftkick.com www.Swiftkick.com  SequencepTk(j59|| Q|| Q6 Flangefilt*T,6FF< ؗY4[0 L2zQ4[L54L9b5;ΤL96 Flangefilt<T,6FF< ]99]4H[0$qL4VT5G Q4Q7?ݢN4/L9T4wT0ON4_]5/'T40N20]0-b9$T4$b0T4Y5@HL4[D77)Q4%T9*R4T0T2Kl_4SJ53T4'T2d6 Flangefilt<T,6FF< k9җQ4Q0T45sV53?H46]7,R4+H9Y4 T0|Q4f[5<L4>T29g0?R9еJ4Y0!Y4~T5='Q4/T7 )V4+Q9Y4T0Y4b[5cY4]2!b046 The Pad! <ThX6FF<  VEȤbAճ[@[AbE6 The Pad! <ThX6FF< tQ@NEz@H}dQA-]@[A6 Folk Guitar l<Th 6FF< 6J>g>J9UR@A0H< MB9'OF@Y@[9];oY8 Q;>;@|gOXJ| HandSonic7BdPrg 0=11Prg 1=12Prg 2=13Prg 3=14Prg 4=15Prg 5=16Prg 6=17Prg 7=18Prg 8=21Prg 9=22Prg 10=23Prg 11=24Prg 12=25Prg 13=26Prg 14=27Prg 15=28Prg 16=31Prg 17=32Prg 18=33Prg 19=34Prg 20=35Prg 21=36Prg 22=37Prg 23=38Prg 24=41Prg 25=42Prg 26=43Prg 27=44Prg 28=45Prg 29=46Prg 30=47Prg 31=48Prg 32=51Prg 33=52Prg 34=53Prg 35=54Prg 36=55Prg 37=56Prg 38=57Prg 39=58Prg 40=61Prg 41=62Prg 42=63Prg 43=64Prg 44=65Prg 45=66Prg 46=67Prg 47=68Prg 48=71Prg 49=72Prg 50=73Prg 51=74Prg 52=75Prg 53=76Prg 54=77Prg 55=78Prg 56=81Prg 57=82Prg 58=83Prg 59=84Prg 60=85Prg 61=86Prg 62=87Prg 63=88Prg 64Prg 65Prg 66Prg 67Prg 68Prg 69Prg 70Prg 71Prg 72Prg 73Prg 74Prg 75Prg 76Prg 77Prg 78Prg 79Prg 80Prg 81Prg 82Prg 83Prg 84Prg 85Prg 86Prg 87Prg 88Prg 89Prg 90Prg 91Prg 92Prg 93Prg 94Prg 95Prg 96Prg 97Prg 98Prg 99Prg 100Prg 101Prg 102Prg 103Prg 104Prg 105Prg 106Prg 107Prg 108Prg 109Prg 110Prg 111Prg 112Prg 113Prg 114Prg 115Prg 116Prg 117Prg 118Prg 119Prg 120Prg 121Prg 122Prg 123Prg 124Prg 125Prg 126Prg 127Conga Bongo Timbales LatinToys CONGAbongo TimbaleMix Conga I1 Bongo II TimbalesII BONGO-BRS TimbalSong Steel Drum Pandeiro Surdo ESCOLA Berimbau PandeirolI Surdo 11 BrazilMix Perc Echos SpaceConga1 808 Latin TalkingDrm DjembeS Djembe L Frame Drum Pot Drum Kalimba Log Drum Balaphone Gyilli AfroZither MonguDrum AfricaToys Gyilli&Cng NaturePerc GyliBalaph TalkDrm II PotDrum II Tabla Dholak Madal Dhol DrmOflndia MadalTalan Tabla 11 Tabla III TABLATIX Sitar SantoorMaj SantoorMin Tambura Darabukka Rek Doholla Doira Turk-Mltry JAPAN MATSURICHINA Yang Qin Korean4Drm Gamelan JavaGameln BaliGameln Bali&Java Gongs Angklung Bonang Gender Saron Vibraphone Glockenspl Xylophone Marimba Bs Marimba TubularBel Timpani Orch Hit LightOrch OrchPerc Aux Perc Standard JazzBrush Analog TR-808 TR-909 Studio Rock Stage Swing Brushes Orch Set Mexi-Set Hi-Boy Low&Dry Jazz Mix JzBrush&Bs BluesClub Drum&Horns TechnoGate FlangeDrms JunkyDrums Brush Box Clap&Scrch FILTERED [Trash Beat LatinHouse Techey TechDance EthniDance Cosmo 21 Industrial UndaGround StreetBeat 909-2000 AlienDance TechNow Sweep 808 Revolution Backbeat AmberWater SynthDrums Discotica Dance 6 Out DanceMenul DanceMenu2 PsycoDrama Forest GrandBlue NoiseSonic ArpegPerc CartoonFX Silly FX Rol&FiltMe MetalMania ChaosSoniq SFX Menu 1 SFX Menu 2 SFX Menu 3 Laserwave Heavy Gtr Acous Bass SH101 Bass Flute Syn String Saw Wave Juno Rave Fantasia Thick Pad Calliope Melody-808 Latin Loop Samba Loop AfricaLoop IndianLoop Asian Loop FusionLoop Dance Loop Shot & Tap Prg 32=51Prg 33=52Prg 34=53Prg 35=54Prg 36=55Prg 37=56Prg 38=57Prg 39=58Prg 40=61Prg 41=62Prg 42=63Prg 43=64Prg 44=65Prg 45=66Prg 46=67Prg 47=68Prg 48=71Prg 49=72Prg 50=73Prg 51=74Prg 52=75Prg 53=76Prg 54=77Prg 55=78Prg 56=81Prg 57=82Prg 58=83Prg 59=84Prg 60=85Prg 61=86Prg 62=87Prg 63=88Prg 64Prg 65Prg 66Prg 67Prg 68Prg 69Prg 70Prg 71Prg 72Prg 73Prg 74Prg 75Prg 76Prg 77Prg 78Prg 79Prg 80Prg 81Prg 82Prg 83Prg 84Prg 85Prg 86Prg 87Prg 88Prg 89Prg 90Prg 91Prg 92Prg 93Prg 94Prg 95Prg 96Prg 97Prg 98Prg 99Prg 100Prg 101Prg 102Prg 103Prg 104Prg 105Prg 106Prg 107Prg 108Prg 109Prg 110Prg 111Prg 112Prg 113Prg 114Prg 115Prg 116Prg 117Prg 118Prg 119Prg 120Prg 121Prg 122Prg 123Prg 124Prg 125Prg 126Prg 127     @ (=Context Name)?d@@`   @ (=Context Name)@@@`   @ (=Context Name)d@@`   @ (=Context Name)d@@`   @ (=Context Name)d@@`   @ (=Context Name)d@@` J J (Folder) /" H xT hv=X SequencepTT0R STD U V0R STD U VpT